is now expanding to That's right. Been having so much fun with this that my father and cousin want to get involved. Here we have the three fools themselves on Superbowl Sunday. Me on the right, Dad in the middle and my cousin Tom on the left. Tom seems to be a natural for this considering he has a pair of grill tongs actually embedded in his shoulder. He has a heckofa time getting through security at airports with that thing!?!

What does this mean for you? It means that there will be even more content streaming into this site that we hope can help enhance your backyard grilling experiences.
But why should you listen to us? After all we are just three idiots with a couple of grills, a digital camera, and a glorified blog. We aren't trained chefs. We've never taken a grilling class. So why should you listen to us. I'll tell you why. We've literally got decades of combined grilling experience between the three of us. That's a lot of trial and error. And hopefully we can impart some of our knowledge on you without you having to make the same mistakes we have along the way.
I thought I would go through a little history of the Three Grillin Fools so everyone can get a better idea of who we are. Click the link below for more information about us fools...
Let's start out with Tom. Phenomenal Grill man. Here he is in Michigan in the Summer of 2008 tending to some dear tenderloin and salmon caught from Lake Michigan the day before. There is no better salmon than salmon straight from the water to the grill.
Of course Tom does not normally use such a crappy grill as the one shown above. That's just what we have available to us in Michigan. Normally Tom grills on this bad boy:
Is there a sexier grill out there than the BGE? I'm not sure there is. The ultimate in set-it-and-forget-it. He can throw a pork butt on that thing, get the temp where he wants it and come back in 9 hours to a perfect pork butt. He has told me that he almost misses the little tweaking and maintenance that other grills require. He also has a standard Charbroil identical to the one my father has. Speaking of Dad. Here he is in Michigan learning from the master:
This was during the Rib Off we were having between the three of us. These succulent slabs of Tom's won:
Those don't look too bad considering the grills we had to work with huh?
Dad works his magic on three grills. This is the Charbroil both he and Tom have:
He also has this nice Brinkmann Pro that he is grilling some sliced rib eye steak for sammiches again on Superbowl Sunday:
Here is a better shot of the Brinkmann:
If you look over the shoulder of that Brinkmann in the above pic you will see a very special grill:
What's so special about this grill? The above pic was taken early in February, 2009. And here is a picture of that same grill pushed by my Grandfather...BACK IN 1985!!!
Here it is in action in 1985 being tended to by the Man himself.
The grill looks pretty good for being 24 years old right? Well, consider this, the grill was not made in 1985. No one knows exactly when it was made except for this guy:
This is my Grandfather on my Mothers side, Russ, who completely fabricated the grill from stainless steel. He is no longer with us so he can't tell us how old it is, but I know this. I am 36 years old and the Grill is older than I am. Its heritage and longevity are the reasons it's such an amazing grill.
We have Christened the grill as "The Russ." One thing the Russ will never do is rust. It hasn't in the 36+ years it has been around. I will own this grill one day and so will my son who one day, I hope, becomes the 4th Grillin Fool.
My father still has the original rotisserie that my Grandfather built the grill around and it still works like a champ. Here is my father using it in what will be his first contribution to - Netted Rotisserized Pork Roast:
This is not the only fabricated grill our family has ever made. My cousin Tom made this Bohemouth many years ago - that's him on the right (check out those socks!?!?!):
Tom basically took a 200-300 gallon metal container and converted it into a grill. This picture was taken before he added a counter weight to the lid. At the time of this pic it was a rough getting that thing open. While it was tough to get open it was great for grilling for 70-80 of your closest friends. This was taken in the late 80's at my Uncle's club house along the Illinois River about an hour from St. Louis. I'm sad to say that the flood of 1993 took the grill with it.
And finally I leave you with this pic taken in Michigan the day of the Rib Off. This is what happens when three guys who have been grillin (and chillin) all day are asked to pose for a picture. I guess we were going for some sort of Iron Chef look. All I know is my dad has the worst farmers tan on the planet!?!?!
There you have it. The Three Grillin Fools. We invite you to please come back and visit us often as we plan on adding a ton of content to this site. We hope to make this the one place you go for step by step instructions, including lots of pics and vids, of everything that has to do with outdoor cooking. We aren't there yet, but give us a few years!?!
If you have any questions about anything on this site, please, feel free to post a comment below the post. We normally get the questions answered within a day or so. Or you can email us at, or We look forward to hearing from you..
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